Vitamin Therapy

Biotin Vitamin Therapy
Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, B8 or vitamin H, is essential for life. The major biological function of biotin is to act as a covalently bound cofactor for the biological activities of five mammalian biotin-dependent carboxylases. These biotin-dependent carboxylases play a crucial role in essential biological processes, including fatty acid synthesis, gluconeogenesis, and amino acid metabolism. Biotin helps to trigger the reactions needed to convert food into energy. It also boosts the enzyme production that supports the metabolisation of fat and carbohydrates. Biotin injections support healthy cell growth and the creation of amino acids. Amino acids are essential for creating protein, so they have the ability to repair and maintain skin, hair and nail health.
Glutathione Vitamin Therapy
Glutathione is a potent antioxidant and a crucial molecule for various bodily functions. It protects against free radicals, aids in toxin removal, and is vital for overall health. Glutathione’s ability to rebuild itself and other antioxidants makes it a key player in health. Declining glutathione levels with age and external stressors can lead to vulnerability to diseases.

Vitamin D Therapy
The human body naturally synthesises vitamin D3 in the skin through exposure to direct sunlight and also obtained through the diet from fish liver oils and saltwater fish. In many developed countries, milk and other foods are fortified with vitamin D. Vitamin D3 levels also decrease with age because skin synthesis declines. The use of sunscreen, as well as dark skin pigmentation, can also reduce the amount of vitamin D3 the body produces. Vitamin D affects many organ systems, but it primarily helps to increase calcium and phosphate absorption from the intestines and promotes the formation of mineralisation within the bones.
Vitamin C Therapy
Vitamin C is an essential dietary nutrient required for the biosynthesis of collagen and a co-factor in the biosynthesis of catecholamine, L-carnitine, cholesterol, amino acids and some peptide hormones. A lack of vitamin C causes scurvy, a pathological condition that leads to blood vessel fragility and connective tissue damage due to a failure in producing collagen, which leads to death as a result of collapse. Vitamin C is also important in cancer and cardiovascular prevention and has the potential to counteract inflammation and subsequent oxidative damage that play a major role in the initiation and progression of several other chronic and acute diseases.

Vitamin B12 Therapy
Vitamin B12 is the generic name for a group of compounds based on the cobalamin molecule that has cobalt as the trace mineral at its core. Cobalamin is a highly active complex organometallic molecule. It is the largest and most chemically complex of all of the 13 known vitamins and is generally red in colour. Like other B & C vitamins, cobalamin is water-soluble, a characteristic that affects how it is absorbed, excreted and stored in the body. Vitamins A, D, E & K are all fat-soluble.
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